
Kripa Charitable Trust was established in 2000 in Kerala by Santhosh MV. It’s a home for the elderly who have no one to call family and no source of income. These seniors are helpless and have no one to lean on. They offer services like rehabilitation, fitness programs, physical assistance or scheduled medical check-ups among others.

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Kripa Charitable Trust,
Thettuvazhi, Adichoottipara,
Nedumpoil P. O, Kerala 670650

Make A Donation

All Donations are 80G Exempted

Contact info
  • Email: kripact@gmail.com
  • Mobile: 9744164919
  • Helpline: 04902444270


Areas of work


The mission and goals of our organization

“These people deserve the best care. They’ve been through so much already, and during these last few years of their lives they need to be loved and cared for. We now have over 300 residents, out of which 200 have a mental illness, 94 are senior citizens and 6 of them are visually impared. My goal is to give all of them a better life.”


Together we can make a difference.

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe.


Abhana Ajayan

Their support and care for those in need shows the innermost humane nature of the wonderful staff at Kripa Charitable Trust. Keep up the great work! I would like to request everyone to support and encourage their work. :)

Aniemol joy

Good bless you and your family..... great work we proud of you

Sijo George

Good bless you and your family

Sherin Mathew

Good Experience.


You are indeed a philanthrope..